Pollinator Friendly Raised Bed Culinary Garden Design - Coaching - Consulting

serving Southwest Idaho


Your Dream Garden Awaits

Dreams do come true…

Woman imagining her dream garden with butterfly on her shoulder


We will schedule a consultation to get to know you and collaborate on your dream garden style and what you are looking to achieve, ideal site selection, gardening experience, climate and seasons, materials, budget and inspiration.

Beautiful kitchen garden design board with fountain, plants, cedar raised beds and turquoise curvy bench


Your dreams start to come to life with a custom design that will enable you to picture what your garden will look like and inspire you to move forward with your installation so you can enjoy all the benefits of your beautiful new garden!

Woman planting sweet basil in her garden with turquoise gloves on


Here is where you install your dream garden DIY or we can help you with some or all of the details. Many clients choose to do much of the garden install themselves with the coaching guidance of Beauty and the Bees Gardens.

Your Designer

Robyn is a Certified Master Gardener and a member of the Advanced Master Gardener program through the University of Idaho. Her specialty is beautiful raised bed culinary/kitchen gardens inspired by classic European garden design. Robyn loves helping clients not only achieve the garden of their dreams but also to enjoy the many health benefits and fresh food security that having a garden brings.

Book a Consultation.

Let’s get started with your dream garden! We will chat about what inspires you, what your style is and the garden experience you want to have. Then we’ll talk about the existing structures/design elements, the best location(s) for a productive garden, the growing seasons, your level of experience and more. This is where you begin your garden journey. I’m here to help you… Click the button to set up a personal consultation…